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Gift Box – Marriage Series Part 1

What’s in the Gift Box?

Have you ever gotten a gift box, letter or parcel from the mail? Probably dropped at your front door or inside your garage? That’s the latest technology now. God gave man the best wisdom. See how God loves man the most out of all his creatures. Praise the Lord! Today’s topic is very crucial and it’s about marriage.

Are you still single? I pray that you will find the right person very soon. Did you recently get married? I say congratulations to you. Have you been married for more than a year, five, ten, fifty years and above? I say congrats and your marriage will continue to last long in Jesus name.

Marriage is like a gift box. You don’t know what’s inside it until you open it. Sometimes, after opening your mail order, you may find out that the wrong item was sent to you. You then have to go through the hassle of returning the item back.

Marriage is like a gift box. One day you will get to open yours. Some may have already opened theirs and some are yet to. Have you opened yours? What did you see or find there? Are you satisfied with your gift? Are you happy that you have such a handsome man or beautiful woman in your life as a gift? If no, God, the creator, will turn things around for you as you cry for help. If yes, I rejoice with you.

Let’s look at the life of Mr. & Mrs. Isaac & Rebecca in the Bible. Genesis 24:61-67. Verse 64, “And Rebekah lifted up her eyes and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.” She lighted off the camel can also be interpreted as to come down from one’s pride and be submissive. If you can do the same, you will enjoy your gift, I promise you.

Verse 65, “… she took a vail and covered herself.” What does this mean? You might have uncovered yourself into the hands of strange men/ women. Repent and put on the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and you will be refurbished.

Verse 67, “And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife: and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.” Lessons to learn here are as follows:
First step: Bring your wife-to-be into your mother’s tent because that wife will become your mom as you will become her dad. Both of you must agree, be in unity, and pray together through all decisions. That is when there can be joy in the house.
Second step: He took Rebekah and she became his wife. Take her, hold her, cherish her, love her and let her become your wife, not just cohabitants. Then, there will be peace in the house.
Third step: And Isaac was comforted. That’s what marriage should be all about. You need to be with someone who can comfort you, with the help of God.

Just like a physical marriage, Jesus Christ also wants to marry us. He wants a spiritual marriage with us. As we wait patiently for that glorious wedding day, we shall not be a cast away in Jesus mighty name.

Revelation 19:7, “…and his wife hath made herself ready.” We will make ourselves ready for the marriage of the Lamb in Jesus Christ Holy and Mighty Name. Amen


  • Thank you Jesus for you’re our groom and we are the bride. Make us worthy and fit for that glorious day of our celebration with you in Jesus name.
  • I pray that there will be a new beginning of love, trust, joy, peace and comfort in the homes that are a bit shaky in Jesus Christ mighty and peaceful name.
  • For those whose marriage is like heaven on earth – Lord I pray that intruders will not find their homes in Jesus Christ Mighty and protective name.
  • For those who are still single – I pray that the right man or woman will locate them in Jesus name. Your partner will knock at your door and your gift box will be a perfect one in Jesus Christ Mighty & wonderful name.
  • For those who are divorced or widowed – Lord, help them to always feel that you’re near and that they are not alone. I pray that the peace of God that passes all human understanding will reign in their life. There will be a turnaround for favor, peace, joy and abounding grace today and always in Jesus Christ & joyful name. Amen

Shout a big HALLELUJAH!!!!

Pastor Mrs. Dorcas Akinleyimu

Marriage Series 2: Your maker is your husband
Marriage Series 3: You are not created to be alone

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