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My Year of Positive Change (Part 3 of 4)

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

I am ready for a turnaround. Are you ready for a turnaround? You need it today. You need it right now.

I am here to inform you that we serve the God of turnarounds. This Bible is a book that talks of various situations of turnarounds. Starting from Genesis to Revelation, we see how God turned things around.

One of the worst case scenarios in the Bible is in the book of Ezekiel 37, the valley of dry bones. It looked hopeless, impossible and beyond the point of no return. When the man of God started to prophesy to those dead bones, something started to happen(change), things started changing. The situation started turning around from dead to life.

Say this aloud, “Something is getting ready to change in my life.”

I feel a turnaround in the atmosphere. I feel a turnaround in your life. Somebody is getting their breakthrough right now.

  • Financial situation is turning around from bad to good
  • Your ministry is turning around from dead to life
  • Your health is turning around from weakness to strength. I prophesy healing into your body right now. Sickness is leaving you now. Pain is leaving your body right now. The anointing is destroying the yoke over you right now.

I want you make these declarations for yourself:

  • This is my season of new beginnings!
  • I declare that new doors of opportunity in my ministry and career will open for me!
  • I declare that new connections, new anointing, new fire, new jobs, new promotion, new avenues of income, new friends/helpers, new confidence, new strength, and renewed health is for me!
  • I will go where I have not gone before! I will step into my new territory today and this year!

Are you ready to step out of your old life into a new one? Are you ready for a positive change? If yes, begin to shout Hallelujah and Amen. It is so for you in Jesus’ name.

Pastor Jude Akinleyimu


  • PDA
    Posted February 9, 2022 7:56 pm

    Amen!!! Hallelujah!!!
    I claim my turnarounds!!
    More grace sir.

  • Moses Oyem
    Posted February 9, 2022 10:31 am

    Thank you Daddy for the words of encouragement and prophesy. Thank you for reminding us again how GREAT our God is. More anointing sir

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