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Mercy Will Locate You

Since the beginning of creation, darkness has been existing over earth. Man has also been experiencing darkness in every facet of life. The Bible says, the “darkness….over the surface of the deep” (Genesis 1:2) was dispelled on the first day, when God created light. As it was then, that the Lord made the beam of light over darkness, so does He shine light over our lives, even now.

Disasters befell everything Job had including his children. Nevertheless, the Almighty God blessed the latter days of Job more than the former. By the mercy and grace of God, no matter how terrible the economic climate, pain of joblessness, financial difficulties or whatsoever the situation may be, the Almighty God will sort you out to change your situation and bless you.

Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan and grandson of King Saul, was left in Lo-debar because of his physical disability. He was left in a place of hopelessness, where there was no word for encouragement. A place of loneliness, where there was no spiritual communication-asking and receiving. It was a place of no pasture, no spiritual refreshment. But Alas! the mercy of God located him and he got the opportunity to dine with a king, continually.

Ruth devoted herself to her mother in-law (Naomi) and to Naomi’s God (Jehovah), in the face of hopelessness and in the midst of her challenges. Guess what, the mercy of God sought her out for unprecedented blessings; she married a rich man Boaz, bore him a son and her story ended in happily ever after, not in sorrow and pain. As you devote yourself to the service of God and humanity, the Abba Father, will seek you out for an undeniable testimony. He will glorify Himself in your life. Mercy of God will transform you, reposition you and cause your destiny into fulfillment.

Prayer: Father, I ask that your mercy will locate me. I ask for your grace and favor. I pray that I will be obedient to your instructions, especially the ones coming from other men and/or women of God who you speak to on my behalf. Help me to discern that it is you speaking through them so that I may humbly do as you wish. I pray that the destiny you have written for me will be fulfilled in Jesus name, Amen.

Writer: Pastor Jude Akinleyimu


  • Pst Dorcas Akinleyimu
    Posted August 27, 2020 4:24 am 0Likes

    Powerful!! Thank you Jesus for your mercy and favor.
    More anointing sir!

  • Tele Oyem
    Posted August 26, 2020 12:23 pm 0Likes

    Amen. Mercy and favour will locate me in Jesus Name.
    God bless you sir!

  • Raven
    Posted August 26, 2020 7:32 am 0Likes

    Great Read. Amen.

  • Eunice Omosigho
    Posted August 26, 2020 6:40 am 0Likes

    Amen and amen in Jesus name. Thank you so much sir, that was very encouraging

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