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Jesus is passing your way

There was a man in the Bible, who lived in the city of Jericho. He was a blind man, very popular because he was a renowned beggar. Besides this, he was hopeless, abandoned and helpless. It is foolishness if one does not know his or her need, not wants in this world. Do you know that things turned around and changed for good for this blind man, on his very appointed day, Do you know that you too have an appointed day and time for your story to change? Do you know that today and at this moment of reading this tract is your appointed time for your life to be transformed?
Jesus was passing through the city, where the blind Bartimaeus was, with a large crowd following. As soon as Bartimaeus the blind acknowledged that it was Jesus passing by, he became oriented, alert and remained focus. It would be very devastating if you ignore the day and hour of your divine visitation. It would be very painful if you fail to be vigilant when your blessing is passing by.

Guess what the blind man did, being realized the presence of Jesus. He started shouting “son of David, have mercy on me”. People stood between him and his miracle but he did not give up.
My friend, do you know that Jesus is passing by your way today? Have you been written off by human opinion or human judgment? Are you facing challenges of failures, discouragement, and Disappointment? Jesus the son of God, full of mercy and compassion is passing your way today. Call on him now and do not allow your past failures and un-carefree attitude rob you of your miracles. Bartimaeus, the blind got his miracle because he was focused and he knows his needs (not wants). The blind man stood his ground in the face of discouragement. He was not ready to give up when people shouted him down. For this reason, Jesus called him and gave him an invitation. He was being ushered to Jesus by the same people who stood as his enemies. Jesus is calling you today, will you accept his invitation or are you going to decline?
Allow your problems to usher you to Jesus. Do not allow this great opportunity to pass you by and later in life regret your attitude. Then, it would be too late. Pray this prayer. “Lord Jesus, son of God, have mercy on me, come into my life, and I will forever remain being your child, In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Writer: Pastor Jude Akinleyimu

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