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Worried that your prayers are not answered? (Part 1)

Some of you may be tired of being in a stagnant position; no progress in life, nothing seems to be moving forward regardless how much you’ve prayed and how hard you’ve pushed. It just seems like nothing works out positively for you, regardless of your efforts.  Are you in a state where being worried and thinking that God no longer hears your prayers has become a part of living? Brethren, I would like to encourage you today that it is time to take your position and take your power back! Luke 10:19 says, “Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you.” Sometimes, we undermine the position we hold as children of God. Because of this, we forget to utilize our rights; power to get what we need from God. 

Our God is a good God, he does not change nor lie. He is an all-powerful God. The son of God, Jesus, who is also our savior, has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Matt 28:18, “and at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth.” Phil 2:10 and John 1:12 says, “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.”

You might be thinking, but I believe in Him and I have obeyed all His commandments. I go to church and I am very active in the church, as a worker in his vineyard. I am paying my tithes and offerings but still, it feels as if I am in a standstill; nothing is working out for me. Dear brethren, I want you to know that as it may feel like life is not moving forward and upward for you, there is a reason behind it. God is aware of your situation and circumstance. Continue to trust that he will see you through. In addition to that, the bible tells us that sometimes, God may not answer prayers. There are few reasons why that may be, and God has also told us what to do to in those situations because he is a merciful God. Some of the few reasons are seen below:

  • Disobedience: Sometimes, God tells us to do certain things in a certain way. He may be specific with his instructions or he may be vague. But we do not pay attention to Him or even realize it is God speaking. So, we begin to look elsewhere, make the wrong decisions, like Moses (Num. 20:8). God instructed Moses to speak to the rock before the congregation of the children of Israel so that the rock with bring forth drinking water. Out of frustration, Moses struck the rock twice, instead of speaking to it. Moses was punished not only because he disobeyed, but also because he did not uphold God as Holy in the eyes of people. As a result of this, he was disqualified from seeing and taking the people of God to the promised land. So, let us be sensitive to the instructions of God, take the things of God seriously and always reverence Him.

Prayer: Father I ask that you open my eyes to see why my prayers are unanswered. Remove every spirit of disobedience in my life. I do not want to fall in the category of those whose prayers are not answered. Help me to do your will all the days of my life. Amen.

Worried that your prayers are not answered? (Part 2)

Eunice Omosigho


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