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Memorial Day

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Remembering those who died with purpose.

Soldiers died at war for the love they have for thier country and thier loved ones. They died to keep us safe.

Christian Martyrs died for their love of Christ and for the love of people who they are spreading the gospel to.

Jesus Christ died for us even before we believed that he is our savior. Christ chose to die for his friends and for his enemies.

Soldiers die to give us physical freedom and Jesus died to give us eternal freedom.

As we celebrate memorial day today, let us remember those fallen warriors, our fathers and mothers of faith who have worked relentlessly to make sure the baton gets to us and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us keep running the race set before us so that we can also hand over the baton of faith to our children and grandchildren, following the example of Lois and Eunice in the bible, 2 Tim. 1: 1-6.

May God continue to give us more grace in Jesus name. Amen.

Writers: Pastor Mrs. Dorcas Akinleyimu & Blessing Oyem


  • Dorcas Akinleyimu
    Posted May 25, 2020 12:43 pm 0Likes

    Remembering those who fought for our physical freedom, we say thank you.
    Remembering those who fought for our spiritual freedom, we say thank you.
    Remembering our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for total freedom from eternal damnation, we say thank you, we worship with praise.

  • Dolapo Jemilohun
    Posted May 25, 2020 12:05 pm 0Likes

    May God almighty give the fallen warriors , mothers and fathers of faith who have worked endlessly for God eternal rest and keep a space for them at his right hand side in heaven.Amen

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