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Looking Up

Hebrews 12:1-3

At all times we need to be looking up. In times of challenges, trials and test of faith, we are commanded to look up to the one who holds the universe. From ages past, God has always commanded His own people to look up. Some of these scenarios can be found in the following references:

  • Genesis 6:16, God told Noah to put the window of the ark up to the roof so they can look up
  • Numbers 21:8-9, God told the Israelites that when the serpent (snake) bites you, look up to the fiery (brass) serpent (snake) and live.
  • 2 Kings 6:17, Elisha told God to open the eyes of his servant, as his eyes opened, he looked up and saw that the host of heaven surrounded them.
  • Acts 1:9-11, As Jesus was taken up to heaven, the angel said as you watch Him being taken up into heaven, It’s the same manner he will come back.

Brothers and sisters, looking up is the command. Do not look down, or sideways in your relationship with God. It’s dangerous. See the following examples:

The psalmist says in Psalm 121:1-2, “I will look up unto the hills, from whence cometh my help..” Therefore, let’s continue to look up to the Lord, who made heaven and earth, from there comes our helper, our deliverer and our sustainer. Whatever you’re passing through, the devil wants you to see God as a wicked God, see him as an imaginary one, as one that doesn’t answer prayers and one that is not real! Is God real to you? Will you look up unto him and continue to look up? Brethren, the command is to look up. So, keep looking up and all shall be well with you in Jesus Mighty Name.

Prayer: Father God, your words say to look unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. As we look up unto you continuously, we pray that we shall neither deviate nor faint in our faith in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

Pastor Mrs. Dorcas Akinleyimu

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