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The Desert Experience

In Exodus 15:22-27, after the Israelites miraculously crossed the Red Sea, they were led into the desert. How strange that God would lead them from a place of revelation and power to a place of disappointment and lack. But God wanted to show them that this life is a combination of bitter and sweet, triumph and defeat. When the Israelites arrived at Marah, they complained because the water was bitter (Exodus 15:23). After Moses interceded, God reminded the Israelites to keep His commandments (v.26). Then He brought them to the place of abundance and refreshment, called Elim (v.27).

Through this desert experience, they learned that God was involved in their daily affairs. God wanted them to know that He could not only part the sea, but He can also supply water, along with other daily needs, for His people. God knew their needs because He has planned their way ahead of them. Do you know that God knows your end from your beginning? Do you know that he has plans for you?

If you are being led into a wilderness of disappointment or bitterness right now, trust God. For He knows exactly where you are and what you need. As you obey His commandments, He will lead you out of the desert and into a place of spiritual abundance, healing and refreshment.

Prayer: Pray that God will satisfy your thirsty soul for righteousness. Ask the Lord to lead you through your desert experience into a place of elevation and to give you a new song to sing.

Pastor Jude Akinleyimu


  • Moses Oyem
    Posted February 3, 2021 5:59 am 0Likes

    Thank you Daddy for this WoW. It has lifted my spirit and I am also encouraged

  • Pst Dorcas Akinleyimu
    Posted January 28, 2021 2:56 am 0Likes

    Amen ? and Amen ?

  • Pst Dorcas Akinleyimu
    Posted January 28, 2021 2:55 am 0Likes

    Amen ? and Amen ?

  • Jude
    Posted January 27, 2021 7:57 am 0Likes

    God’s only requests from us is to trust and follow His commandments.

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