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1 Thessalonians 5:11, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

Brethren, in a time like this when there are so many uncertainties going on in the world, we must form a habit of encouraging one another and checking up on the status of one another. We may not know what our brethren are going through if we don’t check on them. Personally, I take the word “Encouragement” very seriously, even prophets in the bible understand that it is crucial to offer encouragement to others. The bible admonished us to encourage one another and build up each other. Although, you may be seeing a brother or sister in the church looking all good and well-dressed, but that’s a physical observation. This individual may be going through some challenges that are not evident to the physical eyes. They may be looking for someone to confide to who can encourage and lift their spirit up. With just a phone call or text message in efforts to check on them, that may be all that’s needed to change their lives, they may feel encouraged just at the fact that you asked how they are doing, and they may choose to open up to you about their concerns.

No matter how strong we think we are, we all come to a point in life where we need someone to encourage us. As believers in the Lord, we should be totally different from the people of the world in the way we handle our situation and that of others. If you call to check on a brother or sister, and you discover that they are going through challenges, it is your responsibility as a believer to try and encourage them in any way that you can. You can offer them prayers, support them by praying together with them, you can provide material support (i.e., food/clothing) or financial support. Moreover, you cannot gossip about this individual’s problems/concerns. That is the expectation of a believer, so you must meet that expectation, at least. Note that if you are found gossiping about that induvial who confided in you, there is potential to destroy the faith of that brother/sister. Therefore, we should be a builder and not a destroyer. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”

As we are reaching the END of time, this is not the time to be hateful, bitter, or unforgiving because the coming of the Lord is very near. Whatever differences we have with anyone, this is the time to resolve it and amend our ways because we do not know when and what will happen next. Therefore brethren, let us prepare our homes, pray for our loved ones to receive the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ and love everyone unconditionally as Christ Loves us. 

If someone has gossiped about you or your situation, I would like to encourage you to forgive them. If you find it challenging, pray for God’s help or speak to your spiritual leader for some guidance.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for the gift of life that you have given us, please Lord help us to be our brothers keepers by encouraging and building up one another just as you have commanded us in your word. Please Lord, help us to be more conscious of your coming and be more prepared than never before. Take away every spirit of hatred, unforgiveness and acrimony from our lives and help us to touch the hearts of our loved ones so that they too can receive your salvation in Jesus name. Amen.

Written by: Eunice Omosigho


  • Beth Mason
    Posted January 4, 2021 5:50 pm 0Likes

    Thank you so much for the encouraging words. It’s a great reminder because sometimes I get to self absorbed.

  • Pastor Dorcas Akinleyimu
    Posted December 30, 2020 6:07 pm 0Likes

    Thank you sister Eunice for this powerful write up, it’s both words of wisdom and at the same time words of encouragement. Praying that all of us will be both physical and spiritual encouragers and our lives will draw souls to Christ . Amen

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