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God and Substitutes

Do you know that God uses substitutes? Just like how a school Principal uses substitutes in place of a teacher who is not available to teach a class. Let's go through the Bible for evidence…

Are You Content?

Prov. 14:30, “A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body; jealousy is like cancer in the bones.” (NLT) In our society, it is normal to see frequent production of newer and better versions of technical…

He Knows Your Name

There was a friendly conversation between a father and his son, Bell. Father said to Bell, “Son tell me your name.” Bell refused to tell his father his name. He gave a condition under which…

A Prince and A Princess

Has anyone ever called you a prince or a princess? Do you know that this name has actually been given to you from above? 1 Peter 2:9 says, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, holy nation, a peculiar people; that…