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“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? …” – Matthew.25:37-40

The prayer team is made up of prayer warriors and Christians who know that prayer is the master key to enter into the realm of the supernatural to take possession of our possessions, bring down every stronghold, and stop the powers of darkness before they stop us. We intercede on behalf of the church, its members, and all Christians.

Living single in today’s world is challenging. Singles today navigate through decisions about their future career, face challenges about being a single parent, learn to live as a single again and think deeply about their future mate.

The Women’s Ministry at Sanctuary of Praise teaches women of our church and our community as they come…

Our mission is to develop strong friendships and accountability among the men of Christian Faith & Fellowship Mission Int’l Sanctuary of Praise through gatherings and group interaction, building the character of Jesus Christ into their lives.

Worship Team

Our worship team of musicians and singers provides a platform to welcome the ministry of the Holy Spirit, preparing hearts and minds to receive the Glory of the LORD.

About Us
One of the most wonderful things about God is that he lives in our praise. He’s a loving God who wants to be with us and when we worship him, he is. Isn’t that amazing? When we praise and worship God, his presence comes to dwell with us. Things that need to change in our lives change, always! You can count on it. Hearts change, situations change, lives change, minds change, and attitudes change. – Learn More
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