The Texas governor has signed an executive order that will allow the re-opening of churches but must abide by given protocols to be in good standing. With that said, we plan to open our sanctuary on July 5, 2020 by the grace of God. The Sanctuary will be opened on Sundays only and our weekly services will continue online. Please contact the church administrator if you have any questions.
We encourage you to read and abide by the following guidelines:
If you have any of the following symptoms, we strongly encourage you to watch or participate in the service remotely.
Cough – Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing – Chills – Repeated shaking with chills – Muscle pain – Headache – Sore throat – Loss of taste or smell – Diarrhea – Feeling feverish or a measured temperature greater than or equal to 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit – Known close contact with a person who is lab confirmed to have COVID-19
If you were diagnosed with COVID-19, we strongly encourage you to watch or participate in the service remotely until you have met these three-step-criteria.
At least 3 days (72 hours) have passed since recovery (resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications)
There is observable improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath)
At least 7 days have passed since symptoms first appeared
Ensure proper spacing between attendees by keeping at least two empty seats (or six feet separation) between parties in any row, except as follows:
Two or more members of the same household can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats (or six feet separation) empty on either side.
Two individuals who are not members of the same household but who are attending service together can sit adjacent to one another, with two seats (or six feet separation) empty on either side.
Alternate rows between attendees (every other row left empty).
Everyone MUST disinfect their hands with hand sanitizer after touching open surfaces like doorknobs, the hymn books, microphones and other instruments used in the church.
Hand sanitizers have been placed in conspicuous places in the sanctuary
Everyone must wear masks in the Sanctuary. If you don’t have a mask, we will provide one to you upon entry.
The entire church has been cleaned and disinfected by professionals. Aerosol disinfectant sprays have been placed around the sanctuary.
Click here to join our Sunday Morning Online Service
Click here to join our Midweek Service